Biology 354 - Pathophysiology |
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MWF 10:00 AM –
10:50 AM (209 Hudson Hall)
· Dr. José de Ondarza, Hudson Hall 211, 564-5156
Office Hours
· MWF 2:00 - 3:00 PM
· By appointment
Additional Materials
Case study reading assignments will be handed out in class and/or posted on the course Brightspace site.
Course Website
The course web site ( and Brightspace are the formal and official means of delivering content for Biology 354 (Pathophysiology). Students are encouraged to make use of the course-related resources (e.g. lecture notes) found on these sites.
Reading Assignments
Book chapters assigned for each class period are indicated on the course lecture calendar. Case studies are handed out in class and/or posted online. Readings should be completed before the corresponding class period. The reading assignments are intended to illustrate, support, supplement, and expand on the class discussions. The textbook will provide valuable examples and serve as a reference for the many terms and concepts we will cover. Many concepts are illustrated in diagrams and photos and will give you a different perspective on the content. Primary literature assigned for in-class discussion must be read before class and will form the basis for our case studies and concept review. Please take the reading assignments seriously.
Student Learning Outcomes
On completion of this course, students will be able to:
1. Describe differences in the etiology and nomenclature of human disease
2. Explain the cellular and molecular basis for various disease processes
3. List and describe the major diseases of the human body for each body system
4. Discuss possible treatment approaches for human diseases on the basis of the affected cellular functions
Attendance policy
Attendance during class periods is required. As this is a case study-based course, participation in these case study discussions forms the backbone of the subject. Class discussions will cover the topics outlined in the course calendar (see below) and may contain material not covered by the textbook. Students are responsible for all material covered in class, as well as any announcements made during the class period. We will discuss new topics, apply these in practical terms, and lay the foundation for discussion of primary literature each week.
Honor Code
It is expected that all students enrolled in this class support the letter and the spirit of the Academic Honesty Policy as stated in the college catalog.
Grading policy
Your course grade will be based on the following (300 points total):
· Weekly quizzes based on case studies (200 points)
· Case study take-home assignments (100 points)
Quizzes are given on Mondays and cover the pathophysiology of the cases discussed during the previous week. Each quiz is worth 20 points; only the best 10 scores are used for your grade.
Take-home assignments are assigned at various times and consist of a published case presentation and its interpretation. Due date for each assignment is 3 days after being handed out. The highest 10 scores will constitute the grade for this.
Bonus assignments (5 points each) are given following case presentations by guest speakers.
Grading scale
Grade |
Range |
Grade |
Range |
Grade |
Range |
A |
93% – 100% |
B- |
80% - 82% |
D+ |
67% – 69% |
A- |
90% – 92% |
C+ |
77% – 79% |
D |
60% – 66% |
B+ |
87% – 89% |
C |
73% – 76% |
E |
< 60% |
B |
83% – 86% |
C- |
70% – 72% |
Email is the official and formal mode of communication for Bio 355, whether sent through Brightspace or the faculty email account. Emails will be sent to the email address associated with your student account.
Use of electronic devices in class
All electronic devices such as computers, phones, iPods etc should be turned off during class time except if needed for emergency contacts. No electronic devices are permitted to be in use during quizzes, including but not limited to cell phones, calculators, and electronic dictionaries. If you require special testing conditions, please contact the Accessibility Resource Office.
Course help will be available to you in various ways. Please feel free to come to my office during office hours to discuss course-related questions or problems. If you cannot make it in during regular office hours, please schedule an alternate time with me. Many questions can also be addressed via email, and I encourage you to use this approach. I will attempt to answer each message I receive within a day.
Student Accommodations
“SUNY Plattsburgh is committed to providing reasonable accommodations for all persons with disabilities. If you are a student with a disability that may have an impact on your work in this class and require academic or other accommodations, please contact the Accessibility Resources Office (ARO) on the first floor of Feinberg Library 127, call 518-564-3844 or email You may also request accommodations from the Accommodate portal and a representative will contact you directly. To utilize specific accommodations you must certify with this office prior to accommodations being provided.”
Title IX Statement
SUNY Plattsburgh is committed to maintaining a safe and inclusive environment for all students and employees. Federal Title IX regulations prohibit sex-based discrimination in education and apply to all students, faculty and staff. The Title IX Coordinator can coordinate specific actions to address and respond to sex discrimination and ensure students’ equal access to their education program or activity, including: (1) protections during pregnancy, related conditions and parenting, (2) a grievance process for addressing complaints of sex-based harassment and sex-based discrimination, including behaviors that constitute sexual assault, domestic and dating violence, and stalking. All employees, including faculty, have the responsibility to notify the Title IX Coordinator when they have information about conduct that may reasonably constitute sex discrimination under Title IX. Students may also contact the Title IX Coordinator directly to make a complaint of sex discrimination. Know your rights. Contact Kim Irland at, or visit 204 Angell College Center, or call 518-564-3281. Visit Title IX online for more information.
Basic Needs Statement
The SUNY Chancellor, Dr. John King has prioritized meeting students’ basic needs. Please visit the webpage or contact the Student Outreach and Support Coordinator, Hakima Bachar (112 Angel College Center, 564-3811).
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