Laboratory Investigations in Microbiology

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Microbiology Laboratory Software

ScopePhoto software for use with digital microscope cameras

Each lab station will have use of a DM300 digital microscope camera, allowing you to capture still images of what you are looking at. The camera works in association with the ScopePhoto software on your lab station computers.

  1. Connect the camera to the computer via the USB cable provided
    1. A dialog box will open up the first time the camera is connected to the computer each day
    2. Follow instructions in the dialog boxes to install the drivers for the camera by clicking NEXT, OK, or CONTINUE and FINISH.
    3. If after starting the software it cannot find the camera, unplug and reconnect the camera's USB cable and repeat steps a - b
  2. Start your ScopePhoto software
  3. Click on the SD button (Select Device) and select the DM300 camera
  4. Click on the TC button. A live image should now appear in a new window on your screen. The live window will also include a button for taking a picture (CAPTURE)
  5. Adjust your view with the microscope controls.
    1. You will need to adjust the light level. The camera is more light sensitive than you; if the live view is all white, turn down the light (dimmer switch)!
    2. Using your stage controls and fine focus, find the best view
  6. Once you are satisfied with the image you see, click the CAPTURE button. An unnamed image will pop up in a new window
  7. Save the image using the SAVE AS command
    1. I recommend that you save the image to your pen drive. If not available, you can also save it to the computer's Thaw Space (T drive) or save it to the desktop and then email it to yourself.
    2. I recommend saving it as a jpg file. The default option (bmp) created very large files
  8. You can open a saved picture using the software's OPEN command
  9. Merging two image files (for the purpose of measuring cell size, e.g.)
    1. Open the image files you wish to merge. This will usually be one image entitled "micrometer" and one image of the cells you wish to measure
    2. Micrometer scale images can be downloaded from Moodle. There is one for each lens, i.e. micrometer_4x, _10x, _40x and _100x. Save them to your thaw space, then open them with ScopePhoto
    3. On the Process drop-down menu, select the Image Fusion command
    4. In the menu box that opens, click on the two image files that you wish to merge. Click the ADD button, then click FUSE
    5. The merged image file will open in a new window. You may save this image and/or perform your measurements immediately
    6. NOTE: You must use the micrometer scale for the same lens (4x, 10x, 40x or 100x) with which you took the picture of your cells

Microsoft Excel for creating graphs (Chapters 10 & 12)





© 2003 - 2022 José de Ondarza, Ph.D.