B. Labeling
- Chemicals are labeled with tags featuring the NFPA color code (see
example on right)
- Use appropriate caution accordingly
- Use chemicals in the hood if indicated
- All microbial cultures must be labeled (see below)
- A key is posted in lab for labels used for microbial cultures used in
C. Microorganisms
The use of microorganisms (bacteria, fungi) in lab is generally safe.
However, out of an abundance of caution, you should treat all microorganisms
as potentially pathogenic (disease-causing). Keep in mind the following
unique hazards:
- Lab microbes are grown in very large numbers
- Some lab microbes are opportunistic pathogens (can cause disease if a
person's immunity is lowered)
- Cuts or breaks in skin due to broken glass etc. may provide entry
© 2003 - 2019 José de Ondarza, Ph.D.