José de Ondarza, Ph. D.


1991 - 1996         Ph.D. in Physiology, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI

1988 - 1989         Certification in Secondary Education (Biology), Pennsylvania State University

1986 - 1988         M.S. in Biology, Pennsylvania State University, State College, PA

1982 - 1986         B.S. in Biology, Pennsylvania State University, State College, PA

Teaching & Research Experience

Professional Memberships

Peer-reviewed Publications:

1.      Hootman, S.R. and J. de Ondarza.  Overview of pancreatic duct physiology and pathophysiology.  Digestion 54: 323-330, 1993.

2.      Hootman, S.R. and J. de Ondarza.  Regulation of goblet cell degranulation in isolated pancreatic ducts.  Am. J. Physiol. 268: G24-G32, 1995.

3.      Wilkins, T.J., J. de Ondarza and S.R. Hootman.  Intracellular mediators of goblet cell degranulation in isolated pancreatic ducts. Bioch. Bioph. Res. Comm. 205: 423-428, 1995.

4.      Bhattacharyya, E., A. Panchal, T.J. Wilkins, J. de Ondarza, and S.R. Hootman.  Insulin, transforming growth factors and substrates modulate growth of cultured guinea pig pancreatic duct epithelial cells.  Gastroenterology 109: 944-952, 1995.

5.      de Ondarza, J. and S.R. Hootman.  Regulation of cyclic AMP levels in guinea pig pancreatic ducts and cultured duct epithelial monolayers.  Pancreas 11: 261-270, 1995.

6.      de Ondarza, J. and S.R. Hootman. Confocal microscopic analysis of intracellular pH regulation in guinea pig pancreatic ducts.  Am. J. Physiol. 272: G124-G134, 1997.

7.      Hootman, S.R., J. Jones, R. Kapoor, K.-L. Nguyen, and J. de Ondarza.  Sodium, potassium-activated adenosine triphosphatase activity is impaired in the guinea pig pancreatic duct system in streptozotocin-induced diabetes.  Bioch. Bioph. Res. Comm. 243: 869-873, 1998.

8.      de Ondarza, J. and Elwess, N. A matter of taste: Investigating sensory modalities in the protozoan Paramecium. The Science Teacher 69: 36-40, 2002.

9.    de Ondarza, J., Symington, S., Van Houten, J. and J.M. Clark. G-Protein Modulators Alter the Swimming Behavior and Calcium Influx of Paramecium tetraurelia. J.Euk. Microbiol. 50: 349-355, 2003.

10.      Renaud, F.L., J. de Ondarza, P. Luporini, M.J. Marino and J. Van Houten. Signal transduction mechanisms in protozoa. In: Cell signalling in prokaryotes and lower metazoa, Ian Fairweather, Editor, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2004.



  1. American Pancreatic Association Meeting, Chicago, IL (1993)
    Oral presentation: “Involvement of the cytoskeleton in regulated mucus secretion from pancreatic duct goblet cells”

  2. American Pancreatic Association Meeting, Chicago, IL (1995)
    Oral presentation: “Regulation of intracellular pH in isolated guinea pig pancreatic ducts”

  3. Experimental Biology Meeting, Anaheim, CA (1994)
    Poster presentations: “Intracellular mediators of goblet cell degranulation in isolated guinea pig pancreatic ducts” and “Agonist regulation of cyclic AMP levels in guinea pig pancreatic ducts and cultured duct epithelial monolayers”

  4. Ciliate Molecular Biology Summer Research Conference, Copper Mountain, CO (1997)
    Poster presentation: “G-proteins in Paramecium tetraurelia?”

  5. Ciliate Molecular Biology Summer Research Conference, Saxtons River, VT (1999)
    Poster presentation: “G-protein modulators alter the swimming behavior and calcium influx of Paramecium tetraurelia.”

  6. Ciliate Molecular Biology Summer Research Conference, Saxtons River, VT (2003)
    Poster presentation: "Effect of G-protein modulators on chemorepulsion in Paramecium tetraurelia"