Bio 406 - Medical
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| Assignments | Diseases
Additional Reading
- Marshall, B.M., D.J. Ochieng and S.B. Levy.
Commensals: Underappreciated reservoir of antibiotic resistance. Microbe
4(5):231-238, 2009.
- Dobson A, P. Cotter, C. Hill and R.P.Ross.
Bacteriocin Production: A Probiotic Trait? AEM 78(1):1-6, 2012.
- Casadevall, A.
of Virulence and the Global Virulome for Humans. Microbe
1(8):359-364, 2006.
- Blanke, S.R.
and Pathways: Principles of Bacterial Toxin Entry into Host Cells.
Microbe 1(1):26-32, 2006.
- Diaz, M.R.
Bead suspension arrays for identifying fungal pathogens. Microbe 2(2):74
- 81, 2007.
- Wegerhoff, F. It's a bug's life - Specimen collection, transport, and viability.
Microbe 1(4):180 - 184, 2006.
- Woolhouse, M.E.J.
Do Emerging Pathogens Come from? Microbe 1(11):511-515, 2006.
- Calisher, C.H., K. V. Holmes, S.
R. Dominguez, T. Schountz, and P. Cryan.
Prove To Be Rich Reservoirs for Emerging Viruses. Microbe 3(11):521-528,
Kim, K.S.
How pathogens penetrate the blood-brain barrier. Microbe 9(12):487-492,
Weiman, S.
Immune system variations affect responses to pathogens. Microbe
9(7):278-281, 2014.
Cherry, J.D.
Historical Perspective on Pertussis and use of vaccines to prevent it.
Microbe 2(3):139 - 145, 2007.
- Weiman, S.
Bugs as Drugs: Bacteria as therapeutics against diseases. Microbe
9(11):437-441, 2014.
- Sahl, H.-G. and G. Bierbaum.
Multiple activities in natural antimicrobials. Microbe 3(10):467 - 473,
- Baltz, R.H.
Antimicrobials from Actinomycetes: Back to the future. Microbe 2(3):125
- 131, 2007.
- Poole, K.
Bacterial multidrug efflux pumps serve other functions. Microbe 3(4):179
- 185, 2008.
- Hurd, H. S.
Risks to Human Health from Antibiotic Use in Food Animals. Microbe
1(3):115-119, 2006.
- Reyes-Robles, T., A. Alonzo and V.J. Torres.
S. aureus virulence factors thwart host immune responses. Microbe
9(6):240-244, 2014.
- S. K. Jain, G. Lamichhane, S. Nimmagadda,
M. G. Pomper, and W. R. Bishai.
Treatment of Tuberculosis:
Old Problems, New Solutions.
Microbe 3(6):285 - 292, 2008.
- Quale, J.
Global Spread of
Carbapenemase-Producing Klebsiella pneumoniae. Microbe 3(11):516-520,
- Osorio, G. & A. Camilli.
Dimensions of Vibrio cholerae pathogenesis. ASM News 69(8):396-401,
- Webster, R.G., Malik Peiris, J.S., Webby, R.S.
and Guan, Y.
H7N9 Influenza: What we learned from H5N1. Microbe 8(12):499 - 505,
- Cevik, Kupalli, Kindrachuk and Peiris.
Virology, transmission
and pathogenesis of SARS-CoV-2.
BMJ 2020;371:m3862
- Priola, S.A.
animal prions cause disease in humans. Microbe 3(12):568-575, 2008.
Mylonakis, E.
Who killed the worm and other fungal pathogenesis insights. Microbe
2(12):600-606, 2007.
Gauthier, G. and B.S. Klein.
into Fungal Morphogenesis and Immune Evasion. Microbe 3(9):416-423,
Radke, J.R., C.A. Eibs and P.D. Fox.
Host cell-directed interactions with Toxoplasma influence pathogenesis.
Microbe 2(5):244 - 250, 2007.
Weiman, S.
Pathogens, parasites exploit exosomes as delivery vehicles. Microbe
8(8):315 - 320, 2013.
Contagion (Robin Cook)
This book can be purchased inexpensively through, eBay, or Barnes
& Noble. I would ask that everyone will have read the book prior to the
first exam. Although fictional, this book illustrates several interesting
infectious disease cases and is hopefully an enjoyable read.
- What is a nosocomial infection? Why was Mr. Nodelman's infection first thought to be nosocomial?
- Explain what signs led Jack to propose plague as the possible cause
of Mr. Nodelman's death?
- What other infectious agents were proposed as a possibility for his
disease? What pathological observation led to these agents?
- Of what diseases did the other patients in this book die?
- For each of the diseases (Mr. Nodelman, Susanne Hard, Donald Lagenthorpe,
Carlo Pacini, Kevin Carpenter) what is/are the:
- Pathogen
- Symptoms
- Clinical/pathological findings
- Method of diagnosis/identification
- Mode of transmission
- What is epidemiology? What is an index case?
Other infectious disease readings
- Vector (Robin Cook) - anthrax, botulism (fiction)
- The Hot Zone (Richard Preston) - Ebola (non-fiction)
On-line articles and selected readings
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