Exam 2 Review Questions

  1. Name and distinguish the different types of white blood cells. What is the main "job" of each of these cells?
  2. What special role do mast cells, dendritic cells and tissue macrophages have?
  3. Explain the complement system. How does complement kill pathogens? What other effects do complement proteins have (e.g. C3a, C3b, C5a)? Self-quiz
  4. What is phagocytosis? How does it work? What cells do this? What is opsonization?
  5. Describe the inflammatory response. Explain the role of various chemical mediators in this response.
  6. What are cytokines? What do they do? Give specific examples. What cells produce them?
  7. Explain fever, acute phase response, MHC-I, MHC-II
  8. What is meant by "activation" (of B cells, T cells)? What signals are necessary?
  9. Describe the following step-by step immune system responses:
  10. Distinguish between the 5 classes of antibodies
  11. Explain: clonal selection, primary immune response, secondary immune response, plasma cell, memory cell
  12. How can antibodies help to destroy pathogens? Give examples.
  13. Distinguish between helper T-cells (TH1, TH2), cytotoxic T-cells, NK cells. Which of these are CD4+? CD8+?
  14. How do TC cells kill an infected cell?
  15. Distinguish the 4 types of hypersensitivities. What antibody is involved? What cells are involved? Give specific examples of conditions/diseases for each hypersensitivity.
  16. Give examples of immunodeficiencies. Explain how a deficiency in CD4 cells affects the immune system (AIDS).
  17. Distinguish: antibiotic, antifungal, antibacterial, antiviral, semisynthetic, synthetic, cidal, static, broad spectrum, narrow spectrum. Give an example of each
  18. Explain selective toxicity (therapeutic index)
  19. Explain the difference between the broth dilution method (MIC) and the Kirby Bauer method for determining antibiotic sensitivity
  20. What factors determine whether an antibiotic administration is effective?
  21. What are the 5 mechanisms of action of antibiotics? Give specific examples of each.
  22. What kind of mechanism do the following drugs use: Penicillin; Sulfa drugs; Macrolides; Cephalosporins; Quinolones; Polymyxins; Vancomycin; Tetracyclines; Aminoglycosides
  23. Name 3 anti-mycobacterial drugs. How do they work?
  24. Give examples of 3 different antifungal drugs. What makes them specific to fungal infections?
  25.  Give examples of 3 anti-protozoan drugs. What infections are they used for?
  26. Give examples of 3 antiviral drugs. Why are they able to target only the viruses?
  27. What are the major antibiotic-resistant bacteria of concern to us?
  28. Explain how antibiotic resistance can arise (mutation, horizontal gene transfer = conjugation, transformation, transduction)
  29. What are the 4 major mechanisms of resistance to antibiotics? (Efflux pump, degrading enzymes, altering enzymes, altered target binding)
  30. Explain what can be done to avoid antibiotic resistance from occurring.
  31. Give some examples of new antimicrobial drugs.