A. The line-up: The D-Team?

  1. Macrophages ()
  2. Mast cells
  3. Basophils
  4. Eosinophils
  5. Neutrophils
  6. Monocytes
  7. B – Lymphocytes
    1. Plasma B-cells
    2. Memory B-cells
  8. T – Lymphocytes (incl. Memory cells)
    1. Helper T-cells
    2. Cytotoxic T-cells
  9. Natural Killer cells
  10. Platelets
  11. Other somatic cells

B. The Uniform

    1. MHC I & II
    2. Toll-like receptors (TLR)
    3. Immunoglobulin complexes (IgD, IgM)
    4. T-cell receptors (TCR)
    5. Fc receptor (CD16)
    6. Complement receptors (C3b, C3d)
    7. CD4 (MHC-II receptor)
    8. CD8 (MHC-I receptor)
    9. Cytokine receptors

C. The Playbook (of the XFL?)

  1. Blocking à barrier defenses
  2. Holding à antibody – antigen complexes (A)
  3. Devouring à phagocytosis (P)
  4. Skewering à complement
  5. Biting, scratching, kicking, punching à cytotoxic cells (C)
  6. Headlock à inflammation (I)

D. The Signals (S)

  1. Chemokines
    1. α - subgroup (IL-8): attract neutrophils
    2. β - subgroup (MIPs): attract macrophages
  2. Interleukins
    1. IL-1: Early signal in specific immunity and inflammation; pyrogenic
    2. IL-2: From TH à proliferation & activation of TH, TC, B-cells, NK cells
    3. IL-3: Hematopoiesis
    4. IL-4: T-cell and B-cell differentiation, B-cell class switching, promotes TH2
    5. IL-5: Eosinophil activation, B cell class switching
    6. IL-6: Growth of many cell types, incl. B-cells & T-cell; inflammatory response
    7. IL-10: Growth of B-cells, inhibition of TH1
    8. IL-12: TH1 & NK activation
    9. IL-17:  Neutrophil activation
  3. Interferons
    1. IFN-a /b : Antiviral response; NK cell & macrophage activation, MHC expression
    2. IFN-g : Antiviral response, activation of many immune cells; response to LPS; IgG class switch; inhibition of TH2
  4. Tumor Necrosis Factors
    1. TNF-a : LPS response: pyrogenic, IL-1,6 secretion, B-cell growth
  5. Hematopoietins
  6. Migration Inhibitory Factor (response to LPS, TNF-a , IFN-g )
  7. Colony-Stimulating Factors

E. The Playbook

Play #1: Bacterial infection à T-independent B-cell response

  1. Bacterial infections release PG, TA, LPS
  2. These bind to TLR (PAMP receptors) on MΦ, iDC, B-cell
  3. MΦ, iDC release IL1, IL6, IL12, TNF
    • IL-12 activates NK cells à produce IFN-γ
    • IFN-γ activates MΦ
  4. PG, TA, LPS also activate complement pathway (alternative)
    • C5a attracts neutrophils & MΦ
    • C3a & C5a cause inflammation
    • C3b acts as opsonin
    • C3d activates B-cell
    • Complement kills G- bacteria
  5. T-cell independent antigen (PG, capsule, flagellin) binds to surface IgM of B-cell
  6. B-cell is activated à proliferation & IgM secretion
    • IgM further activates complement
  7. Phagocytes engulf and destroy bacteria
    • Neutrophils enhance inflammation
  8. No TH involvement = no IgG response, no memory cells

Play #2: Bacterial infection à T-dependent B-cell response

  1. Macrophage or dendritic cell ingests bacterium
    1. Only DCs can initiate a first-time antigen-specific immune response
  2. Activation of MΦ or iDC via TLR à cytokine release & maturation of iDC
  3. Antigens combine w/ MHC-II of APC à cell surface
  4. 1st Activation signal: TH0 (CD4) cell recognizes MHC/Ag complex via its TCR & CD28/B7 costimulation
  5. 2nd Activation signal: IL-1 from APC stimulates TH proliferation
    Early/local Responses
  6. Antigen binds to IgM & IgD on B-cells
  7. TH1 produce IL-2 & IFN-γ, which:
  8. Mycobacterial/intracellular infections
    Late responses
  9. TH2 interacts with activated B-cells via CD4
  10. Antibody production (10,000,000/hr)
  11. Ab/Ag complexes may trigger NK response (see Play 4), complement response, or phagocytosis (opsonization)
    Termination of response
  12. THreg cells (suppressor) à TGF-β à inhibits TH1 and TH2; differentiation of memory B & T cells

Play #3: Viral infection of somatic cell à TC response

  1. Virus infects cell à replication of viral proteins in cytosol
  2. Viral protein (antigen) combines with cytoplasmic MHC-I à targeted to membrane
  3. Activated NK cells target virus-infected cells (abnormal MHC-I)
  4. Macrophage/DC digests virus particles & presents viral antigens on its surface (MHC-II/Ag)
  5. TH0 cells recognize MHC-II/Ag (using CD4)
  6. TH1 can activate APC via TCR/Ag/MHC-II & costimulation by CD40L/CD40
  7. MHC-I/Ag complex detected by TC cell using CD8 receptor
  8. TH1 releases IL-2, IFN-g à TC activation & proliferation
  9. TH1 and TC release IFN and TNF à inhibit viral reproduction
  10. TC activates CD95 pathway (apoptosis) and releases perforin and granzymes
  11. TH2 may be involved (later) à recruit B-cells à antibodies

Play #4: Tumor Cell

  1. Tumor cell synthesizes new cell surface antigens
  2. MHC-1 presents new antigens on cell surface
  3. Activation of CD-8 Tc cells & cytolytic response (perforins & granzymes)
  4. Soluble antigens generate a B-cell response à IgG secretion
  5. IgG binds to antigens à coats cell surface
  6. NK cell recognizes IgG via its CD16 (FC) receptors
  7. NK cell releases perforins and granzymes to destroy tumor cell

Play #5: Fungal infection

  1. Antigen-presentation provokes TH1 response
  2. TH1 produces IL-2 (inflammation) & IFN-g (activate macrophages)
  3. Neutrophils, macrophages important for killing fungi

Play #6: Parasitic infection

  1. Inflammatory response mediated by TH1 important for intracellular infections
  2. TH2 responses important for extracellular protozoa and parasites

Play #7: Mycobacterium infection

  1. Early: Inflammatory response important for mycobacterium (intracellular) infections
  2. secrete IL-12: TH0 à TH1 & production of IFN-y
  3. TH17 cells promote inflammation early
  4. IFN-y activated kill intracellular mycobacteria
  5. large areas of necrosis become encapsulated with fibrin and become granulomas