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Biology 202 - Introduction to Microbiology

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Introduction to Microbiology

Clinical Focus: Use of microscopy and staining to diagnose infections

1. Case study "Cindy"

2. Case studies: Meningococcal meningitis

 Meningococcus | Bacteria, Characteristics, & Meningococcal Meningitis |  Britannica

A. Properties of light and lenses

The Electromagnetic spectrum | The HSE-gateway | UiB


B. Types of microscopes

  1. Light microscopes
  2. Electron microscopes
  3. Scanning probe microscopes




C. Staining and contrast

  1. Some microbes are big enough to look darker than the background without staining
  2. Most bacteria are too thin to absorb light; must be stained to be seen with a bright field microscope
  3. Other techniques are available to view unstained bacteria & microbes
  4. Viruses cannot be seen without EM and staining + extensive preparation

Trypanosoma Protozoa in blood, LM - Stock Image - C030/3299 - Science Photo  Library



D. Types of stainsAtlante dei protozoi intestinali umani - sezione AMEBE identificazione  microscopica di Giovanni Swierczynski e Bruno Milanesi

  1. Direct stains (basic stains)
  2. Indirect stains (negative stains)
  3. Differential stains
  4. Structure-specific stains
  5. Stains for protozoa




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