Diversity of Life

The Eukaryotes II: Plants

Plant adaptations

  1. Plants are multi-cellular
  2. Plants have true tissues and organs
  3. Plants are adapted for terrestrial life
  4. Plants exhibit alternation of generations
    1. Sporophyte (2N)
    2. Produces spores (Meiosis)
    3. Spores give rise to Gametophyte (N)
    4. Produces gametes (eggs + sperm)
    5. Fertilization = embryo (2N)
    6. Embryo becomes sporophyte

Plant Diversity

Nonvascular plants

Gametophyte is dominant. Sporophyte grows on gametophyte. Sperm are flagellated.
  1. Bryophytes
    1. Mosses
    2. Hornworts
    3. Liverworts

Don't get confused! The following are not true mosses!

Seedless vascular plants

Gametophyte is tiny and free-living. Sporophyte is dominant.
  1. Ferns
    1. Fronds
    2. Fiddleheads
    3. Sori
    4. Life cycle
  2. Club mosses
  3. Horsetails

Seed-bearing plants

Sporophyte is dominant. Gametophyte exists within cone or flower (male/female)
  1. Gymnosperms
    1. Conifers
    2. Gingko
    3. Cycads
  2. Angiosperms
    1. Monocots
    2. Dicots

Unusual plants