A Tour of the Cell

A. All living organisms consist of cells

  1. Eukaryotes: Plants, animals, fungi, protozoa, algae
  2. Prokaryotes: Bacteria and Archaea

B. The Eukaryotic cell

Structure is related to function!

  1. The plasma membrane
  2. Cytoplasm
  3. Nucleus
  4. Mitochondria
  5. Chloroplasts
  6. Endoplasmic reticulum
  7. Ribosomes
  8. Golgi apparatus
  9. Vacuoles
  10. Lysosomes
  11. Cytoskeleton
  12. Cell wall
  13. Cilia & Flagella
  14. Intercellular junctions

C. The Prokaryotic cell

  1. Plasma membrane       
  2. Cytoplasm
  3. Ribosomes  
  4. Nuclear region
  5. Plasmids
  6. Endospores
    • Survival!
  7. Cell Wall
    • Peptidoglycan or protein
  8. Flagella
    • Protein (flagellin)
  9. Capsules
    • Carbohydrates or glycoproteins
    • Adhesion & protection!