Plant Structure

  1. Morphology of a Flowering Plant

  1. Stem: node, internode, axillary bud, terminal bud
  2. Root: taproot, fibrous root, root hairs
  3. Leaf: blade, petiole, veins, margin
  4. Flower: sepal, petal, stamen, pistil

    B. Special structures

  1. Adventitious roots: prop roots
  2. Modified roots: storage roots
  3. Modified stems: Stolon, rhizome, tuber, bulbs
  4. Modified leaves: Tendrils, Spines, Poinsetta leaves

    D. Plant Anatomy

  1. Ground Tissue
    1. Parenchyma: least specialized, most common; storage & photosynthesis
    2. Collenchyma: flexible support
    3. Sclerenchyma: strong support

    2. Vascular Tissue

  1. Xylem
    • Tracheids
    • Vessel elements
  2. Phloem
    • Sieve tube members
    • Companion cells

    3. Epidermal Tissue

    1. Roots - root hair
    2. Stems & leaves - cuticle

    4. Meristems

    1. Apical meristem
    2. Procambium
    3. Protoderm
    4. Ground meristem
    5. Vascular cambium
    6. Cork cambium

E. Differences between monocots and dicots

  1. Seed leaves
  2. Root system
  3. Leaf venation
  4. Flower pattern
  5. Stem, root anatomy

F. Organization of roots

  1. Epidermis: root hairs
  2. Cortex: storage
  3. Endodermis: water-proof layer
  4. Pericycle: dividing tissue for lateral roots
  5. Vascular tissue: star-shaped in dicots, circular in monocots
  6. Pith: in monocots

G. Organization of stems

  1. Epidermis: with waxy cuticle & stomata
  2. Cortex
  3. Vascular bundles: scattered (monocots) or in ring pattern (dicots)
  4. Pith

H. Organization of leaves

  1. Epidermis with stomata
  2. Palisade mesophyll (parenchyma)
  3. Spongy mesophyll
  4. Veins
    1. Bundle sheath (C4 plants)
    2. Phloem & Xylem

I. Secondary growth

  1. Vascular cambium
    1. secondary xylem
    2. secondary phloem
  1. Cork cambium
    1. cork
    2. phelloderm